Since the new owner took control of PK Lures and their branding, Flyway Media has been there to help them grow online. Curt Reeff, PK Lures' owner, has turned a lot of heads with his innovative line of fishing lures and gear.
This is the our second update of the PK Lures website, and the goal was really quite simple. Make it easier, especially for mobile users, to shop and checkout. The first version didn't maximize the small space on a mobile screen, but we feel this one fixes that and more!
If you look at the below screen shot, you will see how easy it is to see different colors, add to cart, and eventually...checkout. K.I.S.S. still is an important aspect of mobile e-commerce.
We'd love to show you how we can help your E-commerce presence online. Give us a shout and let's see what we can do!